core surgery interviews

Core Surgery Interview Questions Bank
Core Surgery Interview Questions Bank


Core Surgery Interview Questions Online

The Core Surgery Interview Online Questions Bank features over 250 core surgery interview questions for you to practise. The interface is fully responsive meaning you can practise questions on your phone at work or home computer.
All questions feature explanations and frameworks to help you structure your answers and understand what is expected at interview.

Sample Clinical Question 1

You are the general surgical SHO on call and are fast-bleeped by the surgical ward as a patient has vomited a large volume of fresh, red blood in front of the nursing staff.
Stacks Image 141351

Describe how you would approach this scenario?

The patient has vomited around 500ml of fresh blood and a further 250ml since you assessed him. He is slightly tachycardic with a slightly low BP but otherwise ok at present. How will you resuscitate him?

The patient's haemoglobin comes back as 11.5. Is this an accurate reflection of his current blood volume?

Give some potential causes for the above patient's symptoms
For the full answer to this question and over 250 more unique questions please register for the question bank.


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