Understanding The Core Surgical Training Interview Management Station
The core surgery interview management station is designed to test your presentation and problem-solving skills.
In the management station you will first give a pre-prepared 3-minute presentation followed by 2-minutes of questions on the topic from interviewers.
You will then discuss a management, problem-solving case for the remaining 5 minutes of the station.
Scoring is done independently by two assessors.
Example presentation topic:
“Reflect on your experience of leadership when working as a team member and how this will be useful as a core trainee?”
The presentation is typically emailed out 2-weeks in advance of the interview date around the time when you book your interview slot.
Topics chosen have typically focused on an aspect of the person specification and been fairly broad to allow for candidates to be as imaginative as possible. In previous years 'Leadership' has been a favourite presentation topic.
Given that you only have 3-minutes try to keep things concise, make 3 clear points and try and personalise the presentation as much as possible to avoid being too generic and boring the interviewers.
Further information and guidance on how to perform well at the presentation section can be found in the question bank.
Management Scenarios
Management questions deal with clinically related ethical and logistical issues common to surgical practice. Examples may be dealing with ethical dilemmas, communication situations, legal and moral obligations under General Medical Council guidance, leadership, and time management. This station is designed to see how you think and relate to the wider world of working in the NHS.
Patient safety is key and should be at the forefront of every answer. Frameworks such as STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) or SPIES (Situation, Patient Safety, Initiative, Escalation, Support) can help to structure your answer and ensure you cover all bases. Think sensibly and consider what you would do in work.
Management Station Scoring

Core Surgery Interview Management Station Top Tips
- The Management Station tends to be what separates the very best candidates. Preparation can be challenging and it is recommended that you look back through your MRCS and medical school communication skills notes.
- Scenarios tested are designed to be realistic and it is important that you remain calm, employ active listening and try to reach a satisfactory conclusion within the timeframe.
- Although scenarios are random using a framework when responding to the question asked can help you to structure your answer, score points and logically reach a conclusion
- Our Question Bank features plenty of commonly asked management scenarios together with frameworks and examples.